ISDE will seek to build alliances that generate synergies and strengthen relationships between companies and law firms

In the photo you can see Mr. Juan José Sánchez Puig, Director of ISDE, together with Mr. Manuel López-Medel Báscones, general secretary of the Chamber of Commerce of Madrid, after the Plenary.

Manuel López-Medel Bascones General Secretary of the Chamber of Commerce of Madrid, and Juan José Sánchez-Puig, Director of ISDE.

ISDE has taken office as a member of the Plenary of the Chamber of Commerce of Madrid, coinciding with the holding of the first session today. ISDE will provide its services to the Chamber with regard to its educational knowledge, international networking and legal headhunting.

ISDE will participate as a member of the Chamber of Commerce along with other companies such as Asisa, Cofares, Rovi, MSD, Telefónica, among others. ISDE is also a protective partner of the Chamber of Commerce of Madrid, an institution with which it has collaborated for years in training projects and business missions.

At the time of the inauguration, the Director of ISDE stated that “For ISDE today is a very important day, as we celebrate the privilege of becoming part of the exclusive and prestigious plenary session of the Chamber of Commerce of Madrid.”

ISDE, in addition to providing its training know-how and international experience, seeks to serve as a driving force behind the collaboration between companies and law firms. At the same time, enhancing the image and projection of the legal profession in the business sector.

ISDE is an institution of legal and economic training of international character, founded by law firms. It has headquarters in Madrid, Barcelona and New York. It is affiliated to the Complutense University of Madrid and is associated with the Carlos III University of Madrid. ISDE collaborates with more than 250 law firms, as well as prestigious international universities such as, Columbia University, Cambridge University, Oxford University, Georgetown University and the University of Florida, among others.